Apply until March. 18 to our MA SP Music and Research!
Research in the field of music practice is a growing discipline and prepares you for diverse professional activities.
Are you aiming at developing your specific artistic profile in which research is a central feature?
Or would you like to prepare for the pursuit of a PhD (artistic or academic)?
Do you see yourself in positions between artistic practice, curation (e.g. at festivals or funding institutions), research and/or teaching (e.g. in research departments at conservatories or other art institutions)?
What we offer:
• double mentoring (artistic + academic) for your individual artistic research project
• courses on research methodology, research management, academic writing, etc.
• up to 2000 CHF of financial support to realize your project
• up to 5 lessons per semester to work with external experts, paid by the program
• an inspiring and supportive community of researchers + great artistic and academic network
• privileged access to the doctoral program Musikwissen (a cooperation of Hochschule für Musik Basel FHNW and Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar of the University of Basel)
Contact the head of program: annemay.krueger[at]